Milk of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup


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Milk Of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin, & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup – PICOEASE-MOM Syrup is used for treating constipation. Belonging to the laxatives the medication is helpful in making the person comfortable with constipation. When the stools are dry, painful, and hard to pass then the problem of constipation occurs. Constipation that is associated with piles, cardiovascular disorder, endoscopy, etc is treated with the help of this medication.

The composition of Milk Of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin, & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup provides relief to the person who is suffering from constipation. Each supplement of the medication provides relief to the person from constipation. With the help of Liquid Parrafin, the stools are easy to pass. Milk of Magnesia helps in drawing the water in the intestine which helps in the evacuation of the bowel. The absorption of water is prevented in the colonic lumen with the help of Sodium Picosulphate. When all the three supplements of the syrup get combined then the person gets relief from constipation.

Uses Of Milk Of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin, & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup

The composition of the medication makes the person comfortable by treating constipation. With the help of this syrup, the stools are passed out without any pain. The amount of acid in the stomach is reduced with the help of this medication making the stool pass easily. The movement of the muscles is increased which allows the waste to pass out easily from the body. So, by taking the composition of this syrup the person gets relief from constipation within 6-12 hours.

Directions For Use

For the best use of the medication, the person is advised to shake the bottle well before use. For taking the syrup the person is advised to measure the amount of syrup with the measuring cup that is available with the pack. The dose of the medication and the duration of taking are advised by the doctor based on the person’s medical condition.

Side Effects Of Milk Of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin, & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup

After taking the use of the syrup following are some of the common side effects that can occur for a short interval and disappear on their own :

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain or cramps
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

Precautions To Be Taken

If the person thinks that during the treatment of this syrup he needs some of the precautions to consider then he should consider them seriously. If the following precautions are not considered then the condition of the person can worsen :

  • It is advised not to take the medication if the person has undergone abdominal surgery or intestinal obstruction.
  • Dependency on the medicine can occur so it is advised to avoid taking the medication for more than 1 week.
  • If the person notices sudden changes in the bowel movements then it is advised to consult the doctor.
  • For the children, there are no safety measures available, so it is advised not to give the syrup to the children.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What diet and lifestyle should be followed during the intake of Milk Of Magnesia, Liquid Parrafin, & Sodium Picosulphate Syrup?

To get the positive results of the syrup the person is advised to take care of his diet as well as to change his lifestyle. In the diet, the person is advised to include fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advised to drink enough water so as to remain hydrated. The person is advised to exercise at regular intervals and to get enough sleep to remain fit.

  1. Does the intake of the medication help the person in reducing the weight?

No, the medication is not useful for reducing weight. The absorption of calories and nutrients is not reduced with the help of this medication. As the medication causes dehydration so the person thinks that he is reducing the weight. But, the medication is not helpful in reducing weight.

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Brand Name





Milk of magnesia 3.75ml + liquid parrafin 1.25ml +sodium picosulphate 3.33mg Syrup